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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Raw Nori Rolls

Sorry its been so long between posts. My diet goes very well and my glucose stays below 6. I even took a 3 day train trip. I brought a bag full of raw food on the train and did great.

Raw Nori Rolls

Nori sheets (as many as you want to make)
Parsnips (or Cauliflower)
Garlic (3 cloves)
Sesame oil (2 tbls)
Cashews (One coffee cup full)
Celery (3 six inch stalks)
Onion (One small yellow or white)
Garlic (Four gloves)
Pickle (Kerkens or any kind you like)
Dill (One fourth of a coffee cup, fresh)
Braggs Soy sauce (3 tbls)
Apple cider Vinegar (5 tbls)
Horseradish (spoon full of fresh, more if you like hot)

Addition vegetables:
Sun dried tomato
Anything really

Nori: You can buy raw nori seaweed sheets on the internet for a dollar a sheet or buy toasted (not raw) nori sheets at any health food store.

Rice: Because I am diabetic, I cannot use the usual sticky white rice found in normal nori rolls. I use either Parsnips or Cauliflower. (If you are using parsnips peel and cut into small chunks). Put either or both (parsnips and cauliflower) with garlic together in a food processor blend until all pieces are the size of long grained rice. Do not over blend or you get mush. Watch for big pieces and reblend them. Add the Sesame oil and stir by hand. You can also add salt, pepper, sesame seeds, ginger, garlic or anything you want to try. The idea is to taste the vegetable with a touch of sesame flavouring. This is the meat of the roll and requires experimentation to get the flavour you want. If you can afford a half a cup of pine nuts to blend in with the parsnips, this adds a nutty taste. How much do you make? Start with 3 large parsnips. If you need more then make more. It is good to always have fresh parsnips in your kitchen.

Sauce: Blend all the sauce ingredients until creamy

Additional vegetables: Slice to desired thinness and crunchiness.

Make these rolls like you would regular nori rolls. Spoon the rice (parsnips) first, then the sauce on top and then any vegetables. Roll. Each chef will create their own style so experiment, experiment and experiment to get what you like. Below is a completely different type of sauce that i often use. I also mix sauces and make rolls of each. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Serve with Braggs or Nami Shoyu or Tamari sauce and wasabi (I just blend fresh horseradish, white vinegar and salt in a blender until creamy for my own wasabi sauce) for dipping.

Additional type of sauce:
Sunflower seeds (two cups)
Garlic (4 cloves)
Lemon juice (half a squeezed lemon)
Ginger (as much as you like)
Braggs (3 tbls)
Red pepper (Half a medium size)
Blend all the above ingredients together until creamy.

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