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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bliss Balls

Here is a popular dessert that is easy to make with a food processor (blender will not do it, sorry Annie). It is based on a recipe from the book  "Fresh, The Ultimate Live-Food Cookbook" By Sergei and Valya Boutenko, a brother and sister who were able to reverse their diabetes by going to a raw food diet. I highly recommend this cookbook for its easy and delicious raw food ideas.

1 cup of Macadamia nuts
1 cup Cashews
8 Menonjol Dates (Pitted)
4 cacao beans
2 tbs Agave Nectar

Grind the cacao beans in a spice grinder or in a mortar and pestle till not quite a powder. Cut the dates into as small a pieces as you have time for, as the bigger the piece the longer the mixing takes. Put everything in a food processor and mix on high for about 40 sec. You should then be able to form them into balls of any size you want. I prefer golf ball size. If it is not holding together into balls then put back into food processor, add more dates and mix again. 

 Bliss Balls are designed to take the place of Power bars or Cliff Bars or any energy bars so although the ingredients for this are expensive, they are cheaper and healthier than any store bought energy bar.

Macadamia nuts are very expensive so in weeks I have no money, I use cheaper nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts or hazelnuts. Cheaper dates such as baking dates work but you will notice they are not as tasty as Menonjol dates. If you cannot afford Cacao beans then cacao powder or chocolate powder works fine. I use 100% organic fair trade cacao beans as these are OK for a diabetic. This dessert does not raise my glucose even if I eat 8 in a row!! More agave nectar makes it sweeter. If you are not diabetic you can add some sugar. I add things like dried fruit, honey,  nutritional yeast, hemp hearts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, tequila, etc. Experiment. Enjoy. Comment. Salud!


  1. Hi Steve! I have made these 4 times now. My tip for making these is to process the nuts first, then add dates one at a time (otherwise the dates can make the food processor stick). This happened twice. It is no fun. Add the cocoa powder and agave nectar last too, because they also form into a goo that gums up the blades. YUM!

  2. Dear Jenna: I see other chefs who make bliss balls say the same thing, add the dates after the nuts are powdery. it makes sense.
