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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Raw Sprouted Wheat Berry Salad

This one will take a few tries before you get it the way you like it. I enjoy chewy wheat berries but you may want a softer grain. You can sprout longer than 3 days letting the root get as long as the berry. You can also cut back on the amount of wheat until you get the texture you prefer this salad to be.

Eating wheat this way does not cause my glucose levels to spike. Sprouted seeds contain more nutrients than cooking and eating the same seeds.


  • Wheat berries (1-2 cups sprouted 3+ days)
  • Clementine Oranges (2 separated in pieces and cut in half) (Can use any fruit)
  • Dried Cherries (1/4 to 1/2 cup) (Can use any dried fruit)
  • Red Onion (1/2 cup chopped)
  • Pecans (1/4 to 1/2 cup) (Can use any nut)
  • Thyme, fresh (1/5 cup chopped)
  • Sage, fresh (1/4 cup chopped)
  • Rosemary, fresh (1/4 cup chopped)
  • Olive Oil (1/4 to 1/2 cup)
  • Red Wine Vinegar (3 tbs)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Select local wheat berries to sprout, if you can find them. Farmers markets and locally owned grocery stores that carry local farmers’ products are a good place to start. Soak the wheat berries for about 8 hours (anywhere from 6 to 12 hours works). They do not swell much. Drain and let sit in a strainer, colander, sprout bag or sprout tray. Wash with water every 12 hours or so for 2 to 4 days. You can periodically taste a sprouting wheat berry to see if they have reached the texture you like.

When the wheat reaches the stage you like, combine all the ingredients in a bowl and stir. This can be eaten immediately or kept covered in a refrigerator for up to 4 days. In this dish you want to taste the wheat, fruit and nuts along with one or more of the herbs in each bite. You can substitute tarragon, oregano, cilantro etc for the 3 herbs listed. You can do it with one herb or any combination you like. But only fresh herbs work here. Add more red wine vinegar if you want this really sour and sweet.

I like Clementine Oranges or any other small orange but a large orange will work too. You can also use another grain such as Rye or Buckwheat. This baby is a big hit at pot lucks. People opposed to eating healthy food will like it. I cannot remember where I got this recipe from. Perhaps I made it up or combined salad recipes. No matter, try it and I want a picture of the look on your face when you eat it. Salud!

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