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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Raw Dijon Mustard

This is great on crackers, sandwiches, as a dip for vegi’s and I often make it a tangy dressing by adding some water. This fresh taste will amaze you and you will never by a bottled Dijon again.

  • Sprouted Brown Mustard (1/2 cup)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (2 tbs)
  • Sesame Oil (4 tbs, not raw can substitute a cold pressed oil)
  • Ginger (2 tbs, grated)
  • Garlic (1 medium clove, grated)
  • Black pepper (1 tbs)
  • Water (to desired thickness, 1/4 cup)

It is hard to find Brown mustard seeds suitable for sprouting. Only a few health food stores sell them. Mustard seeds are also one of the hardest to sprout as they need to be soaked for just the right amount of time (8 hours). I usually only get about 25% to sprout, however for a Dijon this is fine. I sprout for about 5 days with days 3-5 I give them sunlight. When the green stalks are about 1-1 ½ inches (2cm) they are ready. Put all ingredients including seeds that did not sprout, in a blender except the water.  Blend for about 1 minute. You end up with a thick Dijon. As I always say you want to experiment to get the flavor you like. This makes only about ¼ cup, enough for 2 sandwiches or if you want a dressing then double it by adding water.  I sometimes add either a hot pepper or Braggs (tamari sauce) to give it more heat. This is quite easy to make fresh as long as you started the mustards sprouting 5 days early. To simple to be worth the effort? Give it a try. I love this mother. Salud!

Below is a photo of sprouted mustard

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