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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Orange Salad Dressing (Free yourself)

Dedicated to last week’s Pink Floyd reunion

I was given 3 bags of oranges from the marina grocery store where I am painting. So I made a salad dressing with them. This recipe was all over the internet but sounded to easy to be true and I had ignored it. I tested this on others and we all agree that not only is this fast and easy but also extraordinarily tasty. Why has this secret been hidden from the world? Think about it. This is a healthy, fast and beautiful food item. You can make it cheaply whenever you want. Yet the rulers insist we buy poison in a bottle for $4 to put on our garden salad and we do it. Free yourself. Do not be another just another brick in the wall!
  • Oranges (2 organic)
  • Olive Oil (1/4 cup)
  • Red Wine Vinegar (3 tbs or more to taste)
  • Mint (3 tbs or more, preferably fresh)

Blend oranges and mint in a blender or food processor. In a bottle or bowl combine the orange/mint with the oil and vinegar and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate. This keeps for 2 days covered in fridge. It can be put over any salad or vegetable combination. I hope you find this dressing as inspiring as I do. I am now off to write poetry and free the masses. Salud!

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